Monday, November 26, 2007

Another Turkey Day come and gone...

Well, I've managed to survive another Thanksgiving in Maine. My mom cooked up another fantastic feast. The twist for this year: we transported it 30 minutes southish (maybe southwestish) to my grandfather's house. It was the first time he'd had Thanksgiving in his own house for about 33 years. My mom and I did dishes old school... we heated water on the stove to wash. I now have a greater appreciation for the running hot water in my apartment (by the way, LOVING the new place).

I also got to spend time with my adorable nephews. By the way, never promise a two-year-old he's going to see Santa at a parade unless you can deliver the goods. You'd think at that age they wouldn't really hold grudges, but they do. All in all, it is a fun age. Especially with the whole toilet training thing. It's almost magical how fast the words "I gotta pee Jammy" - that's right, she's Jammy - can make my mother go from 85 in the passing lane to a dead stop in the breakdown lane.

My nephew has also vaguely learned the concept of "privacy." He'll insist he needs privacy when he uses the bathroom, but right after, he's just as proud as a peacock when he hollers "I peed!" and comes running out, arms up high, pants around his ankles...basically the exact opposite of minimal coverage for a guy. But I remember thinking, I'm pretty sure I've seen or heard drunk guys doing this in their late twenties.

So besides being entertained by my nephew's excellent adventures in bodily functions, I was pretty darn lazy over the course of the weekend. And I was ready to come back the day after I got there. Family will do that to you. At least mine will.

I did have a slightly interesting tripto Maine when I tried to visit Kiera at her parents. I'm beginning to wonder if she meant right instead of left, or the second left instead of the first...but I knew I should have been concerned when she named a road and said,"wait, that was in the other town they lived in." Of course, I probably should have called before she went to her parents, which happens to be in a zone of no cell phone. The whole thing brought back memories of trying to get from her sister's to Pineland for a Katahdin sheep thing. For the blogosphere record, I told her to go north.

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