Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo

Okay, this blog entry is actually being completed on Day 3 of NaNoWriMo, but I have to confess I was doing a bit of scurrying with my "novel" to reach my word count goal for the day. Now, I didn't have to type 1,667 words to stay on pace, but I was pretty close so I pounded out another 60 words to finish the night.  Today, I definitely struggled more with the writing, but I accomplished what I needed to so I can go to sleep happy.

If you happen to "follow" this blog at all, you are probably surprised that I would commit to a month-long writing project when I barely post to this once a month.  But I am determined to do this.   I have started to accept the fact that what I finish may not be a novel I care for, but I think it will help my confidence level going forward in regards to writing projects.

Weigh-In Wednesday update: down eight-tenths of a pound! I find this extremely impressive considering the fact that I polished off most of a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  


Rural Women Rock said...

Thanks a million for visiting our blog. Enjoy yours. I think the ladies would too. Wanna?

Kind Regards,

Kasse D.

Strout said...

Thanks so much for visiting and for the comment! I have been seriously thinking about it. I'd really love to write a post about my mom and our Simmental operation we own together, because she is definitely one Rural Woman that Rocks!