Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ambition, thy name is....any work by Tolstoy

On Google+, I had remarked that I should have including "reading more" on my list of resolutions.  If I had, that would have provided me with at least one resolution that would likely be accomplished. I shouldn't be too hard on myself; it is still the first month. So far, I have one regret - I didn't make it to church last Sunday, and I won't be able to go next Sunday due to an out-of-town conference.  Otherwise, my other goals still have potential.

Anyway, I read Water for Elephants, Bednob and Broomstick, Stuart Little, and Julie and Julia. I just started Anna Karenina.  And when I mean "just started" I mean I am 20 pages in after an hour of reading.  So I have a ways to go since I don't anticipate the pace to pick up much over the next 780 pages or so. But I will definitely feel a sense of accomplishment once I finish the tome; and so far I do find it interesting.

Once I finish Anna Karenina, I will likely opt for some Stephen King or some other contemporary work that should read fast.  Or I may take a break from reading altogether for a while!

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